Howrah Machinery Corporation, HMC was set up in Howrah in 1993 as a steel work fabrication and manufacturing company. Ever since its inception the company is engaged in designing and executing small and medium sized Material Handling and Process Plants including manufacturing of equipment fabrication of technological structures, plate works and structural steelworks, design and project commissioning.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the print ing and typesetting industry.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the print ing and typesetting industry.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the print ing and typesetting industry.

Mr. Sujit Mukherjee
Director's Desk

One does not require a magic platform to have a successful business model. All it requires is the will to be at the top of what you do through the sweat and sinews of hard work .

Mr. Sujit Mukherjee was born on January 8, 1959 at Howrah, West Bengal. Right from his childhood he was determined to achieve something big in life. His will to reach higher in life made him to take careful but determined steps.

Mr. Sujit Mukherjee had completed his Engineering graduation from Jadavpur University in Mechanical Engineering and opted degree of B.M.E (Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering) in the year 1985. Initially he had worked in different corporate sectors as Manager/General Manager for few years and finally he started business in the year 1993

He followed up with customers and built relationships exclusively. Basically, he is a mechanical designer in the field of Material Handling System and executed a few number of Handling and Process Plant through out India. His strength lies in the trust in all those who touch in his daily lives.